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Night of Miracles - Batavia, NY

Mario Murillo returns to Batavia, NY. Feb 4th.

Photo-Mar-19-2023-6-23-09-PM-300x300.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1&fit=300%2C300 America is at a critical juncture! We are confronted with challenges unlike any we've seen before. Darkness has never been so overt, and the grip of tyranny has never been as formidable. Our precious American freedom is delicate, and the fabric of decency seems frayed. Censorship is on the rise, and it appears that the ruling class is determined to transform America into a place devoid of faith and freedom.

That is why the massive breakthroughs of Mario Murillo Ministries are so encouraging and exciting. Tens of thousands have been converted to Christ and healed. ocala-45-copy.jpeg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1 Now Mario Murillo returns to Batavia for a Night of Miracles. Join us Sunday, February 4 at 6 PM at Cornerstone Church, located at 8020 Bank Street Rd, Batavia, NY 14020.

This night will overflow with fire, miracles, and divine direction. Come expecting your miracle and bring someone who needs God’s supernatural touch. Be a part of God’s mission to save America!

Free Parking is available for all.

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General Admission (1+)